Wobbel Board FAQ

The frequently asked questions and answers about the Wobbel.
1. What can you do with it?
The funny thing is that only adults ask hat question.
Children instinctively know what the intention is and continue to see more and more opportunities and keep discover discovering.
The Wobbel is what you imagine it is; a balance board, a swing, a bridge, a shop, a cabin, a stepping stone, a racetrack, a lounge chair, fitness equipment, a puppet, a small football goal, or at the back of an elephant?
Promotes balance, balance and creativity
Challenges to move and play at home
For young and old
Play along with your child and get fit.
2. Only for children? For adults?
The Wobbel can very well be used by adults. To get fit, stretch your back, (as a seat aid) in yoga exercises, to train balance and just because it's fun. It's possible to do a wide range of exercises on the Wobbel, from relatively light to extremely heavy.
The Wobbel is CE approved up to 200 kilos. The Wobbel Original is about 90 centimeters long and 30 centimeters wide. So plenty of room for big feet and long legs.
3. Why does a Wobbel cost what it costs?
We have not compromised on quality and only use the best materials. Therefore it is such a beautiful product, it's very durable and can be passed on to other kids or sold sold second hand. It is not a unilateral toy and children (and adults) do not get bored, because they constantly see new opportunities. The Wobbel grows with the family.
Producing a Wobbel is a complex process that we sourced from the best wood bending factory in Europe. The Wobbel is made of pressed sustainable European beech wood, treated with waterbased paints and varnishes. The EKO wool felt and sustainable cork are natural products.
4. For what ages is it appropriate?
The Wobbel is a toy that grows with the child and is also very suitable for adults.
Toddlers play it differently than young teenagers and adults.
Adults can do some very good exercises to do to help improve balance, strengthen the core and to remain flexible.
The standard Wobbel and felt finished version are designed and CE certified for children of 0 months and older, but is also suitable for older children and adults up to 200 kilograms. The Wobbel with the cork finish is CE certified for children of 3 years and older. The Wobbel is a balance board to be used standing on it. Other uses have not been tested and certified, so Wobbel B.V. cannot guarantee it's safe usage when used in other ways. Never let them stand or sit on the sides.
5. I have a certain floor in the house. What is best?
For hard floors like laminate, wood, stone, tile, linoleum and marmoleum we definitely advice felt or cork.
This will protect the Wobbel, the floor and reduces noise. With sensitive or scratch sensitive flooring it is advisable to use a rug or mat anyway, irrespective of whether felt or cork is unerneath the Wobbel. Unprotected parts can cause damage to the floor or the Wobbel.
We have no experience with vinyl flooring, but to be safe choose felt or cork.
If you have carpet or a large rug in the house, you can choose a bare Wobbel.
The Wobbel may be damaged by the use on hard and / or irregular surfaces. In particular, inter alia, floor tiles. If there is no felt or cork is at the bottom, we recommend using a rug or mat to protect the Wobbel, the floor and your ears. With the convex side up (ᴖ) the felt or cork provides no protection and it is advisable to use a rug or mat under the Wobbel. By shifting the Wobbel with the convex side up (ᴖ) on such floors can cause damage to the sides of the Wobbel.
6. What material is the Wobbel made of? Is the Wobbel sustainable?
The Wobbel is made of pressed sustainable sourced European beech wood, treated with waterbased paints and varnishes. The EKO wool felt and sustainable cork are natural products.
The FSC wood for the Wobbel is sustainably harvested within a radius of 300 km around the factory.
In addition, the plant is very efficient, where raw materials and waste are reduced to a minimum. For excample, there is no gas usage. The residue timber is used for heating of the premises and the press dies.
7. Cleaning and maintenance, how do I do that?
Cleaning is best done by wiping with a damp cloth, possibly with a mild detergent. It is important to rub with a dry cloth. We have good experiences with vacuuming to clean the cork and felt and possibly with mild ox-gall soap. Don't do this too wet, otherwise the adhesive layers and the cork could be damaged.
The Wobbel does not require any special maintenance.
The Wobbel is a natural product and therefore ages pretty. Scratches and dents will definitely occur, but the Wobbel doesn't mind so much. It will keep wobbling.
8. Isn't it dangerous for fingers and toes? And other security related questions.
Always let children play under adult supervision and let them get used to the Wobbel. Help them when needed and make clear make clear what can and can't be done with it. Beware of fingers and toes at the edges. Teach your child from the first time to never hold the edges. Provide at least two meters of free space (also to other children) around the Wobbel and place it on a flat, horizontal surface.
Make sure they don't wear socks or smooth shoes, otherwise they might slip and they could fall.
Barefoot or non-slip shoes prevent slipping.
Cork and felt are natural materials and are subject to wear. Make sure your children don't put these materials into their mouths.
9. Can the Wobbel be used outside?
The Wobbel is designed for indoor use. Outdoor play is possible, but because of that it will wear out sooner. Don't let is sit outside, because water and moisture will eventually effect paint, wood and the cork and felt. On sunny days the Wobbel can be used outside on a mat or rug.
A Wobbel without bottom protection will wear out very quickly on stones and tiles, but can be, for example, be used well in the grass. Make sure to keep it dry.
Generally; A Wobbel that is used outside will wear and tear much faster.
It is advisable to lay a carpet, foam floor tiles (puzzle pieces) or for example a piece of artificial grass under the Wobbel if you want to use it outside.
10. Is the Wobbel tested?
The Wobbel is made from sustainably harvested European beech wood (FSC) which is pressed and finished with water based lacquers and stains. Both felt and cork are natural products as well.
The Wobbel is CE certified according DIRECTIVE 2009/48/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 18 June 2009 on the safety of toys. CE certification is done by: Certification Company.
Wobbel B.V. is not liable for material or immaterial damages caused by the use of the Wobbel balance board. Use active toys always with caution and under the supervision of an adult. In the case of a medical condition or restriction use it under the supervision of an attending physician or therapist.
The Wobbel brand, Wobbel products and the Wobbel logo and icon are protected by law throughout the EU. Wobbel B.V. has all the rights and will also maintain these.